Dial in & Access Code for Legions of light Angel Academy – the Enchanted Angel Tree

Hello Angel Academy Attendee!

Thank you for registering & participating in the  Legions of Light Angel Academy.  The Enchanted Angel Tree LIVE! session will take place tomorrow/Saturday, December 9 at 9:00 AM (Las Vegas/Pacific Time). The tele-session will begin promptly, so make sure you are on the line a few minutes prior to the start of the call.   This Angel Tree session will also be available in the seminar during the 3 days, for those who cannot attend this LIVE! addition! 

Remember this is your 'personal' dial-in info & pass-code...it cannot be shared with anyone else for integrity & energy reasons!  If others around you are interested in listening, please have them register on my website!  Thank You!

Your Dial-in Number:  Below is the number to call; the automated system will walk you through the entire process, including when to enter the access code.

Dial-In Number:  (712) 432-1001

Access Code:     456 135 909 #

If for some reason your access code does not work or if you are having a problem converting your time zone, email us immediately at lightquest@sbcglobal.net

Determining Your Local Call-in Time: If you haven't already, please go to www.timeanddate.com and use the time zone conversion feature to verify your local area time.

Seminar Preparation: Generally, it's best to situate yourself in a quiet, comfortable place where you can be alone and focus on the session.  Dial-in 5 min early and do some deep breathing to prepare yourself to receive the energy.  In addition, it is optimal to use a cell phone or cordless phone with a headset or listen through a speaker-phone (or computer speakers), as it will allow you to relax during the activations and not have to hold a telephone in your hand the whole time. You may take notes, but recording of the session is not permitted.

Skype Users: If you will be using Skype to access the session, you will be placing a Skype-to-landline call and as such will need to have funds in your Skype account prior to placing the call.

Need Connection Tips?  https://lightquest-intl.com/tele-session-connection-tips/

Important Note:  We are based out of Las Vegas, Nevada - which is in the Pacific Time Zone (the same time zone as California). Tomorrow's session begins at 9:00 AM Pacific Time, 11:00 Noon Central and 12:00 PM Eastern time in the U.S.

Thanks, Bryan & The Lightquest Team


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